Sunday, 20 March 2016

What is MSBI ? Introduction About MSBI? What is SSIS,SSAS and SSRS in MSBI.

What is MSBI ? Introduction About  MSBI? What is SSIS,SSAS and SSRS in MSBI.
MSBI is stands for Microsoft Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence is the is the set of techniques and tools for the transforming of raw data into meaningful and useful information for Business Analysis Process ,this can helps to make quick decisions.

MSBI Tools:
MSBI contains three tools ,they are  SSIS(ETL),SSAS(Analysis) and SSRS(Reporting).
We can use these tools with the interface of Microsoft Visual Studio.
The following figure provides a working model of a MSBI Project

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS): SSIS is the ETL tool from Microsoft, it is the platform for integration and workflow solutions, SSIS including extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) operations for data warehousing.
We can process the data from various locations and various formats (flat file, excel file ,database objects, etc ) and save the data into a centralized repository as a Data Warehouse.
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS):
Sql Server Analysis Services is the process of converting two dimensional (OLTP) data into multi-dimensional data model (OLTP). This will help you to analyze the large volume of data.
NOTE: in SSIS we have large amount of data then we need to change it into multidimensional data, in that case we will use this SSAS Tool.
SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS)SQL Server Reporting Services is an enterprise reporting platform supporting traditional and interactive reports delivered over the web or through custom applications. It supports various data sources like two dimensional and multi-dimensional data .

Tags: MSBI Introduction definition, MSBI Introduction, key points while creating MSBI IntroductionWhat is MSBI ? Introduction About  MSBI? What is SSIS,SSAS and SSRS in MSBI, What is SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), What SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), What is SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS),real time interview questions.
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Friday, 11 March 2016

What is Primary key Definition in Sql server , and how to create Primary Key in Sql Server ?

What is Primary key Definition in Sql server ,and how to create Primary Key in Sql Server ?

Definition of Primary Key :

Primary Key is a field in Relational Database Table that can Uniquely identified every record in the table.

Key Points :

-The Primary Key act as a Unique + Not Null Keys in Relational Database.

-The Primary doesn't  allows Null values and Duplicated values(repeated values) 

- We can create only one Primary Key for a table (entire table).

-When we create Primary key then it will automatically create Clustered Index for a table.

-Tables having primary key constraint are called as master tables(or) parent tables.

-in a table, a primary key can hold maximum of 32 columns(not  rows). 

-we can create primary key for table two ways .

 the time of creating table (create table statement).

 the time of (Alter)modifying table(alter table statement).

how to create primary key at table level and alter level go to next page.

Tags: Primary Key definition, How to create Primary Key, key points while creating Primary Key, What is Primary key Definition in Sql server , Primary Key is a field in Relational Database Table that can Uniquely identified every record in the table ,how to create Primary Key in Sql Server, primary key , foreign key, unique key, 
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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

What is Anonymous Block in Pl/SQL ,What is the Difference between SQL and PL/SQL ?PL/SQL Tips

What is Anonymous Block in Pl/SQL ,What is the Difference between SQL and PL/SQL ?
Pl/SQL Basic Interview Questions :
Pl/Sql interview questions , difference between SQL and PL/SQL , What is Anonymous Block  in Pl/SQL interview questions for fresher's frequently asked Pl/Sql interview questions are given following .

PL/SQL Interview Questions, Pl/Sql Tips
Q)What is the Difference between PL/SQL and SQL ?
Ans: the major difference between SQL and PL/SQL is ,In PL/SQL there is no buffer to hold the values so we pass into variables. But in SQL there is buffer to hold the data temporarily.
 SQL:  Select ename from emp where is empno = 7788;
       v_ename varchar2(10);
        Select ename into v_ename from emp where empno =             7839;
Q)What is Anonymous Block  in Pl/SQL?
Ans: Anonymous Block is An Unnamed block which will not store anywhere in the database .
PL/SQL programs are divided up into structures known as blocks, with each block containing the PL/SQL and SQL statements. The syntax for the structure is given below.
Syntax: [DECLARE
                      Variable declaration (optional)]
                      Executable statements
                      Exception handling statements (optional)]
in the above syntax  declare and exception block are optional but the execution block is mandatory for anonymous block.
       A number (5): = &n;
       B number (5):= &m;
       Dbms_output.put_line (a+b);
O/p:  It will ask for the two input values and will display the sum of the entered values.
A: 12;
B: 13
out/put is: 25
 Tags : mostly asked Pl/Sql interview questions / Pl/Sql frequently asked interview questions / Anonymous Block / difference between SQL and PL/SQL/ oracle interview questions for freshers / sql questions and answers / pl/sql regularly asked interview questions / many times asked pl/sql questions /sql interview questions, freshers jobs tips, difference between SQL and PL/SQL/what is Anonymous Block?/what is difference between SQL and PL/SQL, difference between SQL and PL/SQL.

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SQL Interview Queries frequently asked for fresher's |Sql Interview Questions2


SQL Queries frequently asked in interviews for fresher's based on Employee table.

Sql interview Questions for freshers ,all sql queries for the beginners ,sql Questionss and Answers are given bellow .

SQL Queries on Employee table EMP and Department Table DEPT :

Sql Interview Questions|sql

EMP : Employee Table DEPT :Department Table

Q21 : What is the Query  to List the Enames those are starting with ‘S’ and with five characters?

Answer:select ename from emp where ename like ‘S%’ and length (ename) =5;

Q 22 : What is the Query to List out the emps those are having four chars and third character must be ‘r’?

Answer :  select * from emp where length(ename) = 4 and ename like ‘__R%’;

Q 23 : What is the Query for to List out the Five character names starting with ‘S’ and ending with ‘H’?

Answer :  select * from emp where length(ename) = 5 and ename like ‘S%H’;

Q 24 : What is the Query for to List out the emps who joined in January.

Answer :  select * from emp where to_char (hiredate,’mon’) = ‘jan’;

Q 25 : What is the Query for List out the emps who joined in the month of which second character is ‘a’?

Answer : 

select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’mon’) like ‘_a_’;  


select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’mon’) like ‘_a%’;

Q 26 : What is the Query for List the emps whose Sal is four digit number ending with Zero?

Answer :  select * from emp where length (sal) = 4 and sal like ‘%0’;

Q 27 : What is the Query for List the emps whose names having a character set ‘ll’ together?

Answer :  select * from emp where ename like ‘%LL%’;

Q 28 : What is the Query for to List out the emps those who joined in 80’s?

Answer : select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’yy’) like ‘8%’;

Q 29 : What is the Query for to List the emps who does not belong to Deptno 20 ?

Answer : select * from emp where deptno not in (20); {or}

select * from emp where deptno != 20;  {or}

select * from emp where deptno not like ‘20’;

Q 30 : What is the Query for to List all the emps except ‘PRESIDENT’ & ‘MGR” in asc order of Salaries.

Answer : Select * from emp where job not in (‘PRESIDENT’,’MANAGER’) order by sal asc;  {or}

select * from emp where job not like ‘PRESIDENT’ and job not like ‘MANAGER’ order by sal asc;

Q 31 : What is the Query for to List all the emps who joined before or after 1981?

select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’YYYY’) <> ‘1981’ ; {or}

Answer : select * from emp where to_char (hiredate,’YYYY’) not in (‘1981’); {or}

select * from emp where to_char ( hiredate,’YYYY’) != ‘1981’; {or}

select * from emp where to_char (hiredate ,’YYYY’) not like ‘1981’;  

Q 32 : What is the Query for to List the emps whose Empno not starting with digit78?

Answer : select * from emp where empno not like ‘78%’;

Q 33 : What is the Query for List the emps who are working under ‘MGR’.

 Answer :  select e.ename || ‘ has an employee ‘|| m.ename from emp e , emp m where e.empno = m.mgr; {or}

select e.ename || ‘ works for ‘ || m.ename from emp e ,emp m where e.mgr = m.empno ;

Q 34 : What is the Query for List the emps who joined in any year but not belongs to the month of March?

Answer :  select * from emp where to_char (hiredate,’MON’) not in (‘MAR’); {or}

select * from emp where to_char (hiredate,’MON’) != ‘MAR’; {or}

select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’MONTH’) not like ‘MAR%’ ;

Q 35 : What is the Query for to List all the Clerks of Deptno 20?

Answer :  select * from emp where job =‘CLERK’ and deptno = 20;

Q 36 : What is the Query for

List the emps of Deptno 30 or 10 joined in the year 1981?

Answer :  select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’YYYY’) = ‘1981’ and (deptno =30 or deptno =10) ; {or}select * from emp where to_char (hiredate,’YYYY’) in (‘1981’) and (deptno = 30 or deptno =10 ) ;

Q 37 : What is the Query for to Display the details of SMITH?

Answer :  select * from emp where ename = ‘SMITH’ ;

Q 38 : What is the Query for to Display the location of SMITH?

Answer :  

select loc from emp e , dept d where e.ename = ‘SMITH’ and e.deptno = d.deptno ;

Q 39 : What is the Query for to List the total information of EMP table along with DNAME and Loc of all the emps Working Under ‘ACCOUNTING’ & ‘RESEARCH’ in the asc Deptno ?

Answer :  select * from emp e ,dept d where (dname = ‘ACCOUNTING’ or dname =’RESEARCH’ ) and e.deptno = d.deptno order by e.deptno asc; {or}

select * from emp e ,dept d where d.dname in (‘ACCOUNTING’,’RESEARCH’) and e.deptno = d.deptno order by e.deptno asc;

Q 40 : What is the Query for to List the Empno, Ename, Sal, Dname of all the ‘MGRS’ and ‘ANALYST’ working in New York, Dallas with an exp more than 7 years without receiving the Comm asc order of Loc?

Answer :  select e.empno,e.ename,e.sal,d.dname from emp e ,dept d where d.loc in (‘NEW YORK’,’DALLAS’) and e.deptno = d.deptno and e.empno in (select e.empno from emp e where e.job in (‘MANAGER’,’ANALYST’) and (months_between(sysdate,e.hiredate)/12)> 7 and e.comm. is null) order by d.loc asc;

Tags:  important sql queries for beginners , Sql Queries and Answers ,Sql Queries asked in interview , important sql queries, frequently asked in interviews for fresher's based on Employee table, All Sql Queries on emp and dept tables wipro frequently asked Questions , employee table related queries , Sql Queries on dept table and employee tables ,frequently asked interview Questions on Sql Queries, Sql Queries for fresher's to crack the interview ,SQL Questions and answers for the frequently asked interviews, what is the query for the to display employee details , Interview Questions for freshers to crack their technical round.  

NOTE: Post your sql queries as a comments we will give answers our best.
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SQL Questions frequently asked in interviews for freshers based on Employee table|Sql Interview Questions

SQL Questions frequently asked in interviews for freshers based on Employee table .
Sql interview Questions for freshers ,all sql queries for the beginners ,sql Questions and Answers are given bellow . 
Sql Interview Questions
SQL Queries on Employee table EMP and Department Table DEPT :
EMP : Employee Table DEPT :Department Table
Q 1 : What is the Query for to Display all the information of the EMP  table?
Answer :  select * from emp;
the syntax for the selecting any table is Select * from (Table Name);
Q 2 : What is the Query for to Display unique Jobs from EMP table?
Answer :  select distinct job from emp;
 similar query for this Query is
    select unique job from emp;

Q 3 : What is the Query for to List out the emps in the asc order of their Salaries?
Answer :  select * from emp order by sal asc;
Q 4 : What is the Query for to List out the details of the emps in asc order of the Dptno's and desc of Jobs?
Answer :  select * from emp order by deptno asc,job desc;
Q 5 : What is the Query for to Display all the unique job groups in the descending order?
Answer :  select distinct job from emp order by job desc;
Q 6 : What is the Query for to Display all the details of all ‘Mgrs’ ?
 Answer :  Select * from emp where empno in ( select mgr from emp) ;
Q 7 : What is the Query for List the emps who joined before 1981?
Answer :  select * from emp where hiredate < (’01-jan-81’);
Q 8 : What is the Query for to List the Empno, Ename, Sal, Daily sal of all emps in the asc order of Annsal ?
Answer : select empno ,ename ,sal,sal/30,12*sal annsal from emp order by annsal asc;
Q 9 : What is the Query for to Display the Empno, Ename, job, Hiredate, Exp of all Mgrs ?
Answer : select empno,ename ,job,hiredate, months_between(sysdate,hiredate) exp from emp where empno in (select mgr from emp);
Q 10 : What is the Query for to List the Empno, Ename, Sal, Exp of all emps working for Mgr 7369 ?
 Answer : select empno,ename,sal,exp from emp where mgr = 7369;
Q 11 : What is the Query for to Display all the details of the emps whose Comm. Is more than their Sal ?
Answer :select * from emp where comm. > sal;
Q 12 : What is the Query for to List the emps in the asc order of Designations of those joined after the second half of 1981?

Answer :select * from emp where hiredate > (’30-jun-81’) and to_char(hiredate,’YYYY’) = 1981 order by job asc;
Q 13 : What is the Query for to List the emps along with their Exp and Daily Sal is more than Rs.100?
Answer :  select * from emp where (sal/30) >100;
Q 14 : What is the Query for to List the emps who are either ‘CLERK’ or ‘ANALYST’ in the Desc order ?
Answer :  select * from emp where job = ‘CLERK’ or job = ‘ANALYST’ order by job desc;
Q 15 : What is the Query for to List the emps who joined on 1-MAY-81,3-DEC-81,17-DEC-81,19-JAN-80 in asc order of seniority?
Answer :  select * from emp where hiredate in (’01-may-81’,’03-dec-81’,’17-dec-81’,’19-jan-80’) order by hiredate asc;
Q 16 : What is the Query for to List the emp who are working for the Deptno 10 or20 ?
Answer :  select * from emp where deptno = 10 or deptno = 20 ;
Q 17 : What is the Query for to List the emps who are joined in the year 81 ?
Answer :  select * from emp where hiredate between ’01-jan-81’ and ’31-dec-81’;
Q 18 : What is the Query for to List the emps who are joined in the month of Aug 1980 ?
Answer :  
select * from emp where hiredate between ’01-aug-80’ and ’31-aug-80’; (OR)
select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,’mon-yyyy’) =’aug-1980;
Q 19 : What is the Query for to List the emps Who Annual sal ranging from 22000 and 45000 ?
Answer :  select * from emp where 12*sal between 22000 and 45000;
Q 20 : What is the Query for to List the Enames those are having five characters in their Names ?
Answer :  select ename from emp where length (ename) = 5;
Tags: Sql Queries and Answers , Sql Queries on employee , Sql Queries asked in interview , All SQL Questions(Queries) frequently asked in interviews for fresher's based on Employee table, All Sql Queries on emp and dept tables wipro frequently asked Questions , employee table related queries , Sql Queries on dept table and employee tables ,frequently asked interview Questions on Sql Queries, Sql Queries for fresher's to crack the interview ,SQL PLUS Questions ,SQL Questions and answers for the frequently asked interviews, what is the query for the to display employee details , Interview Questions for freshers to crack their technical round.  

NOTE: Post your sql queries as a comments we will give answers as our best.

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Frequently Asked Interview Questions for freshers|Freshers Jobs Tips

Frequently Asked Interview Questions for freshers in Any Interview 
Frequently Asked Interview Questions
Commonly asked interview questions:
first question in any interview asked is given as follows
 1.Tell me about yourself ?
 This question is most  commonly asked  in any interview.
how to give answer for this question is  we have given real example ,this is  personal experienced one of my friend that is as follows.
Interviewer(male) : Tell me about yourself ? 
Ravi :It is pleasure to introduce myself sir.
      Hi I am Ravi P, I am from Hyderabad ,
Coming to my family back ground,
My family consist 5 member including with me. My father is a PO in Andhra bank , and mother is a home maker. I have 1 brother and 1 sister.
Coming to my educational qualification,
                I completed by B.Tech in Saisudha Engineering College under the stream of CSE with 72%. And  I finished  12th and 10th in T.I School with 70 and 75 percentage respectively .
 And I did Basic java and oracle certification course from  Narayana's Institute ,sir. These all about my education Qualifications.
i have one year experience in Tech Support(if no experience don't mention). 
That's all about myself.
Thanking you sir ...
Note: the important thing is you no need to mention about the strength's and weakness of you to the interviewer ,
if the Interviewer asked , What are the strength's and weakness of you ?
then only you should start to mention your strength's and weakness .
2.How do you handle  your stress or Pressure?
 This is also one important question in interview, when interviewer asking this question you need to give answer like as follows .
   I react to the situations, rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful,
for example :
I had a three large projects Due in a week, which is lot of pressure to me at that time ,i followed a schedule that is ,i would breakdown each project in to small assignments ,then i completed  three projects in assumed time ,and i avoided unnecessary stress .
 --you should tell one real time example how to handle the stress ,then the interviewer will get satisfy.
Tags:  frequently asked interview questions , walkins jobs freshers ,real time example how to handle the stress ,fresher's how to crack the interview ,Tell me about yourself ?, How do you handle  your stress or Pressure?, Interview questions for fresher's to crack their technical round, walkins jobs freshers, interview questions for freshers , walkins jobs freshers, commonly asked interview asked questions in any interview ,top 10 interview questions ,interviewer asking questions for freshers in interview , real time example how to handle the stress.
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