Tuesday, 22 September 2015

What is Anonymous Block in Pl/SQL ,What is the Difference between SQL and PL/SQL ?PL/SQL Tips

What is Anonymous Block in Pl/SQL ,What is the Difference between SQL and PL/SQL ?
Pl/SQL Basic Interview Questions :
Pl/Sql interview questions , difference between SQL and PL/SQL , What is Anonymous Block  in Pl/SQL interview questions for fresher's frequently asked Pl/Sql interview questions are given following .

PL/SQL Interview Questions, Pl/Sql Tips
Q)What is the Difference between PL/SQL and SQL ?
Ans: the major difference between SQL and PL/SQL is ,In PL/SQL there is no buffer to hold the values so we pass into variables. But in SQL there is buffer to hold the data temporarily.
 SQL:  Select ename from emp where is empno = 7788;
       v_ename varchar2(10);
        Select ename into v_ename from emp where empno =             7839;
Q)What is Anonymous Block  in Pl/SQL?
Ans: Anonymous Block is An Unnamed block which will not store anywhere in the database .
PL/SQL programs are divided up into structures known as blocks, with each block containing the PL/SQL and SQL statements. The syntax for the structure is given below.
Syntax: [DECLARE
                      Variable declaration (optional)]
                      Executable statements
                      Exception handling statements (optional)]
in the above syntax  declare and exception block are optional but the execution block is mandatory for anonymous block.
       A number (5): = &n;
       B number (5):= &m;
       Dbms_output.put_line (a+b);
O/p:  It will ask for the two input values and will display the sum of the entered values.
A: 12;
B: 13
out/put is: 25
 Tags : mostly asked Pl/Sql interview questions / Pl/Sql frequently asked interview questions / Anonymous Block / difference between SQL and PL/SQL/ oracle interview questions for freshers / sql questions and answers / pl/sql regularly asked interview questions / many times asked pl/sql questions /sql interview questions, freshers jobs tips, difference between SQL and PL/SQL/what is Anonymous Block?/what is difference between SQL and PL/SQL, difference between SQL and PL/SQL.


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